Creating Space for Sober Possibilities


Navigating the journey to sobriety can be daunting, particularly due to the deeply ingrained beliefs and societal norms surrounding alcohol consumption. From habits to reliance and even dependence, the path to sobriety is often clouded by misconceptions. As someone who has traversed this journey and worked with countless individuals facing similar challenges, I’ve come to realize the importance of redefining sobriety and carving out space for new possibilities.


Challenging the Status Quo:

Society has constructed a rigid framework defining sobriety solely as abstinence. This narrow perspective fails to acknowledge the complexities of individual experiences and paths to recovery. My own journey diverged from traditional approaches like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) after a year, as I embraced a life where alcohol was no longer the focal point. Instead, I prioritized personal growth, career advancement, and authentic connections.


Redefining Sobriety:

For me, sobriety transcended mere abstinence; it became synonymous with self-discovery and empowerment. I stopped counting days of sobriety and shifted my focus to celebrating personal milestones and achievements. Sobriety became a journey of learning and growth, rather than a perpetual battle against addiction.


Breaking Free from Labels:

In working with clients, I’ve encountered the pervasive influence of societal norms, which equate sobriety with lifelong abstinence and adherence to the disease model of addiction. However, I advocate for a more flexible and individualized approach to sobriety. It’s about empowering individuals to define sobriety on their own terms, free from the constraints of labels and preconceived notions.

reframing sobriety empowerment self discovery teresa rodden

Embracing Sobriety as Empowerment:

Sobriety is not merely about abstaining from alcohol; it’s about reclaiming control over one’s life and embracing new possibilities for growth and fulfillment. By reframing sobriety as a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, individuals can break free from societal expectations and forge their own path toward a fulfilling life.

In reimagining sobriety, we must challenge conventional wisdom and embrace a more inclusive and empowering approach. By creating space for new possibilities and rejecting rigid definitions, we can empower individuals to embark on their own journey toward sobriety and self-discovery.


Here are a few questions and exercises that could be helpful for you to start your sober journey:


  1. Reflective Journaling:
  •   What role does alcohol currently play in my life?
  •   How do I feel physically, emotionally, and mentally when I consume alcohol?
  •   What are my reasons for considering sobriety?


  1. Set Intentions: *do not use alcohol as a barometer
  • What do you want?
  • Who do you want to be?
  • How do you want the world to experience you?


  1. Explore Signals:
  • When do you start thinking about drinking?
  • How can you counter the thoughts?
  • What is your drinking ritual?
  • What will you do to disrupt the ritual?


By incorporating these questions and exercises, you can gain clarity, develop coping strategies, and feel empowered to embark on your own sober journey with confidence.

Believe in your magic *