Holiday Tips and If Abstinence Is Your Focus You’re Thinking Too Small

Note: You may have noticed that we pushed out our original show for 12/21/2022, Outgrowing Your Habit, to Episode 8, new release date of January 4, 2023.

Hello, all you nonsense listeners!
You may have noticed that we pushed out our original show for 12/21/2022, Outgrowing Your Habit, to Episode 8, released on January 4, 2023.
As we were recording today's show, we couldn't help but talk about the upcoming holidays starting this weekend with Christmas and discuss ways to enjoy them with less struggle, suffering, and shame.
We talked about so much, and Melissa did an excellent job asking questions to go deeper.
A few planned points discussed:

You won't be the same person a year from now, either by design or default; it's your choice.
When your desired goal is clear, it inspires a system for success.
Be playfully curious about what could be... places to look for clues.

We both wish you a bright and beautiful holiday making memories full of love and laughter.
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