This Is Not Goodbye!

Melissa and I started this project with the idea we’ll start with eleven episodes and see where we go from there. This makes number fourteen and have decided to scale back until.

Melissa doesn’t just want to talk just to talk but I have so much to share with you about my journey, philosophy, what I’ve witnessed coaching women for more than a decade, and experiencing this wild journey of life without alcohol for almost twenty years! So, don’t be surprised if I make an announcement in the coming days or weeks. ;)

This episode is two women having a conversation about coming to an agreement on how to move forward when we are at different places.

How often do we make bigger issues out of things that a simple and clean conversation can move us forward along our path? This entire project was done out of genuine interest to serve and lessen the struggle and suffering of others considering a change in their relationship with alcohol.

You don't have to adopt a limiting identity, language, or beliefs to find peace with alcohol.

Here's the deal we are making with you...

If ever you would like to hear us chat about anything just reach out through social media through direct message or post it on one of our pages and we'll chat about it.

Sober Nonsense Facebook and Instagram

Melissa Hale, Wildstone Wellness

Teresa Rodden, Wholly Sober Coaching