Crisis Quitting What It Is and Why It Typically Fails

This is a common theme I witnessed when I was in treatment and Alcoholics Anonymous. There have been a few but not many, that have consulted with me that were interested in crisis quitting, but because of the nature of my work and my approach it’s not usually a good fit, and we figure that out quickly.

My name is Teresa Rodden. I am an author and a coach working on becoming a podcaster. Don’t laugh or do, it’s not easy doing something new, but it’s worth trying when you’re passionate about the end game.

For me, that’s serving you by providing a safe and comfortable space to explore your concerns and possibilities. So, let’s get to it. What is crisis quitting? Let me paint a scenario or two...



Read my first book, Wholly Sober - How I Stopped Thinking About Drinking and Started Loving My Life