Change your holiday hangover tradition.

The lights are twinkling, music playing and the holiday cheer is flowing generously from the host’s bottle to your glass. You know the scene it’s much like all the years before. But this year you’re rethinking your drinking. You’re coming to the realization that hangovers, interruptions in memory, weight gain, and health risks are worth moving the concern to the top of your priorities. It’s time to make a change. Good for you.

I didn’t listen to that little voice that waived a white flag asking me to make changes. I instead waited for it to get so bad I didn’t know if I even wanted to survive. But you can benefit from my pain. I am going to share with you some tips on how you can learn to take charge of your relationship with alcohol.

Start Making Change Now!No more hangovers

1.       Don’t think because “Mary” is drinking just as much as you that it’s okay. Mary is not your problem. You are! If drinking is costing you in any way – get clear about what that cost is.

2.       Get real honest about how much you’re drinking AND how you’re drinking. Has your drinking changed and how has it changed?

3.       Don’t ignore the little voice. If it’s saying, “Hey, I think you have a problem.” It means you have a problem and you need to make a change.

4.       Take a Pause. It’s time to get still and take some deep breaths. The Pause is your friend and gives you time to clear your head and regain your stance.

5.       Be kind to yourself. Don’t beat the crap out of yourself if you make a choice that doesn’t support your decision. Instead get clear about what you want and let that be your guide when making decisions moving forward.

Find a quiet corner, light a candle, say a prayer or meditate, and do some reflecting and planning. Write it out, type it out or draw it out. Allow yourself to process through each of these tips. There’s no better time than NOW!

If you would like support in harnessing your personal power and taking charge of your life, schedule a time to talk by clicking here.


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